: After 3 years I have finally got this orchid to flower again after our lockdown kitten ate all the …

: Splash of yellow on a grey Devon day

: Eastbourne seafront, rain approaching #photography #weather #sussex

: Bike: Rich text editing Jesse Grosjean is one of the great artisans of Mac software development. …

: Hello lazy-micro-web! Does anyone have any positive experiences with project management software for …

: It’s a beautiful evening in Glasgow

: I’ve always enjoyed stringing together my two favourite Mac apps, Drafts and Alfred, but …

: Belatedly pouring one out for Rupert Neve, legend of the mixing desk, who died last month aged 94. …

: Old Steine

: I Do Yoga T-shirt | Very British Problems Clothing After a year of #ywa I am absolutely ready for …

: Watched the brilliant Daniel Kitson last night on his Tour Of Empty Theatres. As he promised in that …

: Official Joy Division / New Order podcast on the way ft. mems Radiohead, Blur, Oasis, more Actress …

: The last swim

: On collaborative zines Countdown clocks, zines, and an imagined website from 2001 (Interconnected) There’s a website from …

: Sitting in the garden, listening to Loscil’s Faults, Coasts, Lines and posting to Micro.blog from IA …

: Take me away

: Confined

: The Talking Politics podcast spinoff series, History of Ideas is as good as you would expect. …

: Two great pieces on the virtue of adaptability. The current crisis is just one challenge to our …

: One of my favourite Radiohead songs, beautifully rendered in multiple layered cellos.

: Around this time of year Headphone Commute’s Best of … list drifts out like a slow, …

: Winter Walk In Monsal Dale

: No Alternative. Brighton

: And while I’m wallowing in nostalgia, not much can beat the mesmerising Poolside FM, retro …

: Watching this Patrick Vieira video comp brought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye. Of all the …

: Ventimiglia in the afternoon

: Kottke on Serendipity vs algorithmy What we lose to the For You machine.

: Just accidentally deleted my entire iMessage history with my wife. There was no confirm dialog, one …

: Finally got to Latitude this weekend. Such a great festival, full of extremely lovely people.

: Sometimes, you just need to lie in a meadow.

: Kinder To Do Lists Absolutely loved this piece by Beck Tench about the language we use in our To Do lists: For those …

: The Cappella Palatina The Capella Palatina in Palermo’s Royal Palace is one of the most amazing buildings I have ever been …

: David Crawshaw mourns the accessible creative internet What I miss is that I could “go on the …

: BBC Radio 6 Music - Mary Anne Hobbs, Ólafur Arnalds in session Excellent Ólafur Arnalds session on …

: Seeing if I can get spaghetti alla trapanesi past the kids

: I’m used to my daughter’s casual barbs about my appearance, but this morning’s …

: Spare a thought for the hard-working translator.

: Ciao Palermo!